Repaso del presente simple

Os dejo una actividad para reforzar el presente simple:

Write in Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative and Short Answers:

1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.
     A: I go shopping with my brother.
     N: I don´t go shopping with my brother.
     I: Do I go shopping with my brother?
     SA: Yes, I do / No, I don´t.

2. We ________ (use) a dictionary in class.
     SA: Yes,... / No, ...

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.
     SA: Yes,... / No, ...

4. School ________ (finish) at three o'clock.
     SA: Yes,... / No, ...

5.You ________ (live) near me.
     SA: Yes,... / No, ...


  1. Las oraciones correctas son:

    2. We ________ (use) a dictionary in class.
    A: We use a dictionary in class.
    N: We don´t use a dictionary in class.
    I: Do I use a dictionary in class ?
    SA: Yes, I do / No, I don´t.

    3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.
    A: My friends study Italian at their school.
    N: My friends don’t study Italian at their school.
    I: Do my friends study Italian at their school?
    SA: Yes, they do / No, they don´t.

    4. School ________ (finish) at three o'clock.
    A: School finishes at three o'clock.
    N: School doesn’t finish at three o'clock.
    I: Does school finish at three o'clock?
    SA: Yes, it does / No, it doesn´t.

    5. You ________ (live) near me.
    A: You live near me.
    N: You don’t live near me.
    I: Do you live near me?
    SA: Yes, you do / No, you don´t.


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